Sabet Dua dari Tiga Juara di Unikama - Felt happy news SMA Negeri 1 Glagah who have won Blog SEO contest which is held by the University of Malang Kanjuruhan ( Unikama ) . SMA Glagah Sabet Two of Three Champion in Unikama , indeed very proud achievement . Blog SEO contest is intended for junior high students and SMK / SMA / MA State / Private are still active in East Java . In this Blog SEO contest , there are several assessment criteria were taken into account . The following assessment criteria of the contest on the theme of Diesnatalis HMPS IT UNIKAMA , 2013,
- Quality of writing is posted .
- Compliance with themes , terms , and conditions of the race .
- Implementation of the obligations of the race participants .
- Creativity and build concepts and ideas .
- Convenient location in the blog search .
- Ranking in Search Engine Google
- Blog for quality category also in the account .
Background of holding this contest because MAGs blog for now this is not the case that the new wah or so in the hope that participants will show their quality as students who are creative and full of innovation in processing each blog .
Ease in the world of the Internet is enormous , ranging from flying businesses online , search for media promotion sapai with friends . Than it tries to accommodate a student aspirations HMPS IT to try to measure how antusiaskan high school students and junior high school in the following events like this blog contest .
SMA Negeri 1 Glagah have proved that SMA Negeri 1 Glagah not least in the field of computers , especially in the control of the internet . With wifi facility which is given in area schools also should be utilized to the fullest extent possible , what is wrong with high school kids can be self-employed than via the internet or to other things that are positive , not just negative ones .
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Ditulis oleh:
Deo Pradipta - Rabu, 13 November 2013